Commands & Permissions
All comamnds and permissions will be listed below! Every permission automatically bypasses config settings for a specific player!
🤖 Commands
/shulkerbox - Displays a message with a command to use to get list of all commands
/shulkerbox help - Sends a list of all available commands
/shulkerbox give <box_id> - Gives a SaveItem into your inventory
/shulkerbox give <box_id> <player> - Gives a custom ShulkerBox into players inventory
/shulkerbox list - Displays a list of all custom ShulkerBoxes ids into chat
/shulkerbox info - Shows basic info about the plugins
/shulkerbox reload - Reloads the plugin
👮 Permissions - Allows players to open ShulkerBox view without placing it (True by default)
eshulkerbox.enderopen - Allows players to open Ender Chest view if he is holding it
eshulkerbox.give - Allows the player to give him the custom ShulkerBox
eshulkerbox.giveothers - Allows the player to give to another players the custom ShulkerBox
eshulkerbox.bypasscooldown - This player will not be affected with cooldowns
Last updated
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