Every supported placeholder is listed below! Please don't mind contacting us, if you want to add some more!
📇 Placeholders for Minecraft
Player's Placeholders
Displays a number of current health of the PB
Displays max health of the specific Power Block
Displays a player name in the X position - replace the <position> with a number
Displays a number of player breaks in specific position
Displays player's current position
Displays player's current total breaks
Displays player's current wasted time (2h 34m)
Displays player's current wasted time (2:34)
Displays a placement of a specific player
Displays a number of total breaks of the specific player
Get formatted time of player's time wasted of mining block at specific position (1h 23m)
Get formatted time of player's time wasted of mining block at specific position (1:23)
Displays a number of all-time total breaks of a player in specific position
Displays an all-time wasted time of a player in specific position (4h 56m)
Displays an all-time wasted time of a player in specific position (4:56)
PowerBlock's Placeholders
Displays a formatted cooldown of the specific Power Block (1h 23m)
Displays a formatted cooldown of the specific Power Block (1:23)
Displays a cooldown time in seconds
Displays a cooldown time in minutes
Displays a cooldown time in hours
Displays a cooldown time in days
Get formatted inactive time of the block (23m 45s) (That means that the block will be marked as inactive in 23m 45s)
Get formatted inactive time of the block (23:45) (That means that the block will be marked as inactive in 23:45)
Get formatted time, when the block will be marked as inactive (23m 45s) (That means that the block is inactive 23m 45s)
Get formatted time, when the block will be marked as inactive (23:45) (That means that the block is inactive 23:45)
Shows the number of active players who are mining the block.
🗂️ Placeholders for Configuration
%health% - Displays a number of current health of the PB
%max_health% - Displays max health of the specific Power Block
%placement_<position>% - Displays a player name in the X position - replace the <position> with a number
%placement_<position>_breaks% - Displays a number of player breaks in desired position
%placement% - Displays a number of specific player placement
%breaks% - Displays a number of total breaks of mining player
%cooldown_formatted% - Displays a formatted cooldown of the Power Block (1h 23m 45s)
%cooldown_display% - Displays a formatted cooldown of the specific Power Block (1:23:45)
%cooldown_seconds% - Displays a cooldown time in seconds
%cooldown_minutes% - Displays a cooldown time in minutes
%cooldown_hours% - Displays a cooldown time in hours
%cooldown_days% - Displays a cooldown time in days
%inactive_in_formatted% - Get formatted inactive time of the block (23m 45s) (That means that the block will be marked as inactive in 23m 45s)
%inactive_in_display% - Get formatted inactive time of the block (23:45) (That means that the block will be marked as inactive in 23:45)
%inactive_for_formatted% - Get formatted time, when the block will be marked as inactive (23m 45s) (That means that the block is not mined for 23m 45s)
%inactive_for_display% - Get formatted time, when the block will be marked as inactive (23:45) (That means that the block is not mined for 23:45)
%miners% - Shows the number of active players who are mining the block.
Last updated
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